Normally I would NOT start with this opera, I would wait until I hooked you with operas that are more conventionally accessible. HOWEVER The Met is doing daily Free Streams of Operas because of COVID-19 and tonight they are streaming My all-time favorite opera: Richard Wagner's Tristan und Isolde! Click HERE to go to the stream! (it is only available until MARCH 24, 2020 at 6:30 pm EST)
Note: Wagner's operas tend to be a little complicated and sometimes hard to follow. I think this one is actually one of his more accessible ones in terms of plot. So its up to you on How you want to read the full synopsis. This one is fine to read the whole thing before you watch, you won't lose anything by knowing what happens, or you can watch the opera and read after you finish each act, or read the whole thing after you watch, or not at all!
She keeps his true identity concealed and sends him back to England so that she never has to face that gaze again. After she relates this all to her servant she confesses that she loves the English Knight, and anguishes that he does not return her love and has repaid her kindness with mockery. Unknown to her, the knight does return her feelings, and has won her for his uncle because it will make her queen which is a much deeper thanks, he believes. Unaware of this she resolves to kill herself and the knight with the death potion her mother has sent among others. She orders her servant to prepare the potion and summons Tristan by refusing to leave the boat until he comes and atones for his wrongs against her. Brangäne is too fearful to prepare the death potion instead. Once they drink the potion, there is no going back. But it is too late and once they land they can no longer belong to each other as Isolde is married immediately. SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!
And I will leave you with my favorite Isolde, Swedish Soprano Birgit Nilsson, Singing the Liebestod. This is the video I show anyone who gets caught up in me dork-ing out over Tristan und Isolde. (This is probably my favorite aria ever)
I love opera. I love it so much that I believe everyone can love opera, they just have to discover what the opera world has in it that they love!
Because I feel so strongly about everyone's capacity to love opera I am starting a new blog series: The Dorkie Diva's Opera Guide. I will be posting about different operas sharing basic info, a teaser blurb, a full synopsis (watch out for spoiler warnings!) a "Bonnie's Blurb," links to videos and other materials you might find helpful, and depending on the opera, more! all in the hopes that something will pique your interest! I hope you find an opera you love! |
The Dorkie Diva
I don't remember exactly when I came up with this, but I think it is so fitting! I really am truly one of the biggest dorks in the world, especially when it comes to Opera and Music and I hope you can see some of that here on my blog! I also hope Then there is the other half which is my diva side, she is only allowed to show herself in my style, and on stage! Archives
April 2022
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