April 5, 2017: BEFORE
The reason I called this post “Singing with the Big Kids,” is because in the second half of the program I have a solo! It's small but its mine and its beautiful! But can I just tell you how nervous I was the first time I sang it in the hall where we are having our concert; my hands were so shaky. Singing for my peers is probably the most nerve wrecking things I have to do, I get so nervous because of how highly I think of them, and I just want to make them proud. They have been so kind and so encouraging to me and I hope they know how much that helps me and how much that actually means tome.I absolutely love my school, I really do. I adore my colleagues and my teachers too.
April 8, 2017: The Performance: (well at least my solo :)April 10, 2017: AFTER
There were some solos in the first half and they all did so good! I know they all worked so hard and it totally paid off! After short intermission we Headed back upstairs for the second half. I think the second half felt like it took 2,000 years because my feet were not thrilled with me and I was waiting to sing my solo. it was easier to enjoy the music at the beginning of the second half because I was really close to the end. when it was finally my turn I stepped down and walked out to the front, it took all of my strength not to look like a Weeble Wobble, oh my poor feet! I took my breath and looked at Dr. Z, and sang. I almost forgot the word, but I had my score so I looked down and the crisis was averted. I wasn’t shaky or nervous before or during my performance but afterwards my poor hands just wouldn’t stop shaking. After the concert I saw my voice teacher and if we are being honest his reaction was the one I was most worried about. But he gave a hug and said I did good! Everyone afterward was so kind and so sweet and even on my Facebook video I am just shocked with the reaction I’ve gotten, and I am just so grateful!
The Dorkie Diva
I don't remember exactly when I came up with this, but I think it is so fitting! I really am truly one of the biggest dorks in the world, especially when it comes to Opera and Music and I hope you can see some of that here on my blog! I also hope Then there is the other half which is my diva side, she is only allowed to show herself in my style, and on stage! Archives
April 2022
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